Gidget Lab at the New Jersey Institute of Technology

The Gidget (Gender Inclusive Design, Game, and Educational Technology) Lab is a research group in the Department of Informatics at the New Jersey Institute of Technology, devoted to research on building, testing, and improving educational technologies to increase participation in STEM. It is directed by Michael J. Lee.

Research Areas

Our research focuses on projects exploring new technologies for people to interact and learn (especially online). Our current research addresses the following problem areas:


See our list of recent publications.

Current Students and Projects

Lab Alumni

Organizational/Community Partners

How to Get Involved

I am recruiting undergraduate and PhD students who are interested in computing education research for ongoing and future projects. Please take a look at our lab's recent publications and contact me, Michael J. Lee, by email, indicating your research interests, projects that you have worked on (e.g., ePortfolio, app, website, Github repositories), and why you think you might be a good fit for our lab. I am specifically looking for those interested in topics of computing education or STEM education, preferably with some coding experience. Due to the high volume of emails I receive, I will not be able to respond to emails that do not include the information listed above.

Note: Teaching assistance (TA) and grader positions are handled at the department level (and not by individual professors), so I will not be reponding to inquiries requesting these jobs.